With many primary schools being situated on main roads up and down the country, the issue of pollution on playgrounds is more prominent than ever. Whilst we have a long way to go as a country to reduce carbon, there are ways in which we can harness nature to help reduce airborne particulates from traffic pollution on our children's school playgrounds.
Our Mobilane Hedera ivy screens can be used around the perimeter of a playground to help absorb PM10 particulates. PM 10 particles consist of a mixture of particle solids and droplets that are less than or equal to 10 micrometers in diameter, so they are so small, that they can easily get into the lungs. Most PM10 particles around our schools are from traffic emissions.
Pikefold Primary school in Manchester wanted to create a healthier, greener environment for it's pupils, so we installed our Hedera green screens around the school to help improve the air quality on their playground whilst also increasing privacy and creating a greener outlook whilst the children are playing outdoors.

We made a run of continual timber planters around the edges of the playground in which we planted the Hedera ivy screens against the existing metal school fence. The Ivy screens improve the look of the schools outside space and provide privacy from the road as well as improving the quality of the air on and around the playground.

If you would like to discuss a 'Green my school' project or if you are from a council and would like further information about the pollution reducing effects of the Hedera ivy screens for urban spaces, please contact us and we will be happy to help.
Our Green Screen installation services are available throughout cities and towns across the North of England, including Manchester, Liverpool, Preston, Lancaster, Leeds & Sheffield etc.